Our mission at "Share and Inspire" Association is to inspire the children of Bulgaria to dream boldly, set worthy goals and act with determination and perseverance to achieve them. We aspire for a holistic education that follows the child's natural development and preserves their uniqueness. We believe this is the way to earn great academic results and promote the growth of free and responsible individuals who create their own values and determine the meaning of their lives.

"Share and Inspire" Association

Our goals:🔥 Increasing the motivation and activity of students in the learning process.🔥 Reduction of class absences.🔥 Improving discipline and class atmosphere.🔥 Raising the average grade of students.🔥 Increasing student achievement in external assessment.🔥 The successful realization of students of class XII.Learn more about us and get in touch at share2inspire.bg.

The team of "Share and Inspire" Association carries out its mission through a variety of activities, including:

  • We learn and improve to pass on our experience to teachers, children, and their parents.

  • We inform about how educational activities and methods related to conversation, discussion, games, and brainstorming are conducted.

  • We raise parents' awareness of the importance of children participating in extracurricular activities and having individual and group performances.

  • We organize discussion groups with parents, teachers, and other specialists, discussing the need for education and looking for new approaches to achieve positive social change.

  • We participate in social projects and cooperate with other organizations, institutions, teachers, and psychologists, with whom we are united by our great goal - to help children become independent, be educated and polite, learn about the world around them, and achieve their goals with ease.

  • We share useful practices, the latest methodologies, and research in the field of education, which parents can borrow for their children's upbringing and education.

© "Share and Inspire" Association with ID No. 207231248. All Rights Reserved.
Our non profit work is only for the benefit of society in accordance with our mission and goals.
9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Slivnitsa Blvd. No. 118